That was a BADBADBAD trade Gerry Hunsicker is no dummy.Anyhow, guess tonight in doom and gloom night Joe Posnanski interviewed some scout in his blog to discuss the NL Central he thinks the Astros will be third.Check it out.But that replica Panerai PAM00176 Men's watch scout does NOT sound like a NL guy to me he sounds like an AL guy talkin bout the NL…And in case any of all yall are into projection systems, check out these.Let me put it like this natcherilly, they luV the Yankees (yeah, I know it's a Yankees blog, but the projections systems are not from Yankee fans) and 3 of 4 have the Stros finishing 3rd with a 82-80 record.But then again, 2 of 4 have the Cubs finishing first and I'll believe it on October 2, 2007…Hopefully, tonight, Chris will be nails and I'll be back in a better mood again.
He got the Astros first 1,2,3 inning in the 6th when Tommy Manzella made a VERY nice play on a 6-3 GIDP from Ibanez, who came in hitting like an Astro and finished the game hitting like a Phillie.He got into trouble again in the 7th, but was replica Longines L3.633.4.58.6 watch bailed out by Tommy Manzella again, who made an excellent play on a FC to short, catching Rollins off 3rd.Sampson and Fulchino both came in and got 1,2,3 innings.As for the Astros, well, Pence got an IF single in the first, then Clank walked on 4 pitches, but with 2 out, Feliz stranded them both.He played third, and Blum was at first.So much for playing Chris Johnson against leftys.
Grr.Bagwell, Beltran, Berkman and Kent were ofer that junk and you can't win if you don't hit.Period.WAY too many swings on first pitches that were balls.2) Roger wasn't sharp from the beginning wasn't hitting the corners.I knew that he was in trouble when he had NO strikeouts by the end of the 4th.He was cooked by the fifth throwing a lot of balls and he couldn't keep the ball down.Almost every pitch he threw in the 6th was up.3) When first is open and the tying go ahead run is on base, replica Cartier w20095y1 watch! Are you watching this Red Sox?! Do NOT ask the pitcher how he feels about staying in, or walking learn from Grady Little's mistake.4) There was absolutely NO excuse for continuing to play Biggio instead of Jason Lane.