And that's putting it nicely.It's not like he had been exactly sharp actually, I thought he looked flat from his first pitch, but he just flat out fell apart in the 5th 7 guys up, 4 RS.Matt Albers came in with bases loaded and let 2 of them score.It's starting replica Panerai PAM00161 Men's watch to feel a lot like last year…Brad Lidge came in and pitched an inning, and for ONCE, looked decent 1 hit and 1 K.I don't suppose I should bring this up, but Benny Zobrist, the switch hitting IF we gave up for Aubrey freaking Huff, looked VERY good and he's hitting .361 in ST and is gonna be the Ray's starting SS.
Roger has a slightly ERA on the road than at home, but his BAA is .217 day or night, .207 at home and .235 away.Still pretty good.I am a nervous wreck and DogS have been coming up to me, poking me with their noses and whining.I've cleaned up kids after dinner and they are in Stros t-shirts.I say “who rules!!” and they say “roger replica Cartier w20060d6 watch kemmuss!!” I figger if we do this about a million times, maybe, hopefully, PEEZE, Roger will see Fenway one last time.Hopefully, the Cards will all be SO worried about the Roger Brad dynamo that we'll have the total advantage.
I've heard a lot of sneering remarks about bandwagoners, but you know, a LOT of kids have suddenly discovered that they love the Stros and as I know from experience, the Stros addiction lasts a lifetime.You GO STROS! And Lord, please let Suppan have left that shutout stuff back in LA…….We haven't hit since game 4, basically.I'm hoping that replica Cartier w69009z3 watch, Jason Lane will play for Biggio, and that the rest of our Bs start hitting, especially Lance Berkman, who hasn't had a hit since game 4.Long pause for game…Well, we didn't hit and we lost.To summarize,:1) Suppan was throwing junk in the dirt and he got basically all the hitters to swing at it.