50-cal guns. In Malakal, a cholera outbreak seems the biggest threat untila battle between a local militia and rebels-turned-soldiers throws the town into chaos.Morrison’s foreign correspondent background keeps the book from becomingan all-out, rough-and-tumble adventure tale. And he avoids the evangelical zeal andna?ve prescriptions other Africa books fall victim to, while giving a detailed descriptionof the problems facing Sudan. “You never replica breitling 50th Anniversary watches talk about reconstruction in south Sudan,”one Sudanese bureaucrat tells Morrison. “It’s construction. There are no war-damagedschools or hospitals—there were never any to begin with.” Thankfully, the more adventuresome portions of The Black Nile keep it fromreading like a textbook. In one firefight, Morrison hears the “pop-pops of handgunsand… the whooom of rifle rounds passing close, very close by, parting the air and sounditself like they were flesh.”
Giving the tick somereasonably good brown liquor before you set it on fire just seems like thedecent thing to do.You biked along the Mississippi River replica Louis Vuitton watch levee in the March 2007 issue, tubedFlorida’s Wekiva River in the April 2009 issue, and kayaked Venice in thecurrent issue. Why water sports?I don’t know. The Mississippi thingwas a holdover from my time in New Orleans. At the end of each workday, I’dtake my bike to the levee and ride for an hour or two just because it was acongenial thing to do. It was also the only way you could get a look at theMississippi.
I’m sure I would have bailed. Paddlingfor hours straight into a headwind is a pretty easy route to despair.What advice do you have for aspiring writers?Don’t be afraid to destroy yourwork. Don’t get too attached to the early drafts. Don’t treasure a sentence ordescription just because it took you 45 minutes to write it. Go back, be cruel,and revise it.Wells replica Omega watches Tower’s short story collection Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned was recently released in back. He received two Pushcart Prizes and the Plimpton Prize from The Paris Review. He divides his time between Chapel Hill, North Carolina and Brooklyn, New York.--Stayton BonnerThe year may be young, but its been a roller coaster of events and emotions so far for Julia Mancuso. The skier, who was the only American female Olympic gold medal winner in 2006, won two silver medals in the Vancouver Winter Olympics,